Friday, April 30, 2010

The Month of April

Hello Friends!
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post!
We have been SUPER busy at my new house and Owner Girl got a new job so she has been working lots and lots!
April has gone by so fast, and I have missed reading all your bloggies!
Here's what we have been up to:
There were some days when the weather was beautiful, so we spent lots of time outside enjoying it!

We have also been keeping an eye on the wonderful flowers that have been blooming!

We saw this cute cardinal couple in our Lilac tree!

And this naughty squirrel eating out of our bird feeder!

We have also had some guests over!
First, Owner Girl's little sis Zoe came to spend the night with us for a few days!
Owner Girl made some yummy rainbow pancakes with her!

And Owner Boy's family came over for dinner too!
We posed for some pics with OB's niece Emma!

April has been a pretty good month! I only wish I was able to blog more!
Maybe May will be better! I know one good thing that's coming up in May...
Tibby Day is May 5th and I am so excited! I hope we are going to do something super fun this year!


The Army of Four said...

Ha roo, Tibby! We sure do miss you - but totally understand Owner Girl being busy with work. You'd think the bipeds would just let us use the internet without them - you know?!?!
LOVE the pix of you! And WOW, that cardinal couple is gorgeous!!!
Play bows,

Bandit's Pack said...

Good to hear from you! I love that cardinal couple pic, too! And those rainbow pancakes are just awesome - what fun for a little sister! Looking forward to next month's Tibby Day! ♥

Moose said...

Tibby!!!!! So good to here from you pal! Glad everything is good but just busy. I understand that for sure! THose pancakes are something else! I have never seen that idea. I bet she loved them!
Can't wait for Tibby day!

Sierra Rose said...

Hey there Tibby! We love every photo you posted! What colorful stacks of cakes! Look at those fruit blooms, and great peeps you get to hang out with!
We know you will do somthing super special for Tibby Day! :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Tibby, good to see you. we have really missed you. That first picture of you is really beautiful, such a happy smile. Hope Tibby Day is an exciting one. Beautiful flowers, beautiful birds, and very beautiful little and big bipeds.

Did you know that we have a new member in our pack?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a post!

So many beaWOOtiful things!

Of khourse, the most beaWOOtiful was woo!

It was furry nice to see woo again!

Best of lukhk with evFURRYthing!

PeeEssWoo: The pankhakes look yummy!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hello Tibby
thank you for posting all those purrty pictures and welcome back. careful of those tree rats
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Hi, Tibby!
I miss you too!
But I am happy to know everything is ok with you all!
Congratulations to OG on her new job! I hope she is enjoying it!
Rainbow pancakes?? They look yummy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Abby said...

Hi, Tibby...

I missed you...Looks like you had a fun April...

Can't wait for Tibby Day...

Abby xxxooo

Kari in Alaska said...

yum yum yum can I have rainbow pancakes?

Asta said...

i missed you!
those awe bootiful pictoowes...I think spwing is the pwettiest time..i can almost smell those flowews.
And those pancakes ownew giwl made fow that bootiful ittle hooman pup suwe looked good..did you get a little taste?

I hope tibby day will be fantastic fow you this yeaw!!1
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

OMG, your rainbow pancakes look so yummy and they're so pretty, Tibby!
We have missed you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Hi Tibby,

What gorgeous photos as usual! Looks like you had a great month! I do hope your human finds a bit more time in May to help you with blog stuff coz I've missed you! And missed you coming round to visit! Hope to catch up soon -

Honey the Great Dane

Sagira said...

Glad to see you back Tibby.

Oh man...those rainbow pancakes look YUMMY!

Thor and Jack said...

Glad to hear from you Tibby!
Beautiful pictures!
You're looking great!
Those pancakes look so beautiful and yummy!
I bet you're going to do something furry cool for Tibby Day!
Thor xx

Daisy said...

Hi Tibby! Those rainbow pancakes look beautiful and delicious!

Dexter said...

Those rainbow pancakes look really good. Any leftovers? I hope you do something cool on Tibby day. It's almost here!


Rambo said...

Hi Tibby,
It's okay. We haven't been blogging much either.
Those rainbow pancakes look really cool.
G-Mom loves the red birdie. She loves birds.
Hope to see you again real soon.

Teddy Westlife said...

Well, May 5 has come and gone so I hope you had a wonderful day Tibby!

Bijou said...

Hi Tibby,

Wow you did have a pawesome April. I hope you had fun on your special day.


Bandit's Pack said...

Happy Mother's Day to Tibby's Mama! ♥

Bandit's Pack said...

Happy Mother's Day to Tibby's Mama! ♥

Moco said...

Get back whenever you are able. We totally understand lack of blogging.

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hey Tibby!
We missed you for Tibby day... Hope you are all doing well! I miss you!
P.S. Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you that my mom sent her sister (my aunt!) to Scruffy dog collars to get a collar for her new pug puppy!! (my cousin!!)

Bailey said...

Good to see you again! My Mom is keeping me busy working at her store, so I understand about not getting much computer time!

Pedro said...

Time flies doesn't it? Great pictures (as usual). Don't you hate it when the human's job cuts into blogging time? That's what's happening in my dawg house...


Pedro said...

Time flies doesn't it? Great pictures (as usual). Don't you hate it when the human's job cuts into blogging time? That's what's happening in my dawg house...


Life With Dogs said...

You have been away for far too long Tibby, you are missed!

Bandit's Pack said...

What's up, Tibby? Hope you're having a good summer. We miss hearing what you've been up to. Take care! ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friends! I hope you had a wonderful day!!


PeeS: The secret was reviled on my blog today!!

Asta said...

Hewo tibby!
I hope you'we having a most wondewful day wif lots of tweats and fun and many many mowe!!!
I miss seeing you and heawing fwom you..I hope you and youw family have a most wondewful Chwissmuss and NewYeaw
smoochie kisses

LailaSmith01 said...

Seems that you and your owner is too busy...Anyway great blog update...You are having a great time out side and bonding to your visitors...I like the pictures it's so colorful...^_^

dog pens

Unknown said...

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Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

OMG, your rainbow pancakes look thus scrumptious and they are thus pretty, Tibby!Challenge coins

Johnnie Landrum @ Online PhD Degrees said...

You have been missed. I love all of the pictures. You look awesome and super healthy. How exciting are rainbow pancakes? It looks like you are super busy. Thanks for the update.

Please visit My Webblog

Eva said...

April has the nice flowers and climate for the happy picnic, outside party, and walking together with friends and families.

Eva @Learning EnGlish

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Everything looks to be going well with you. Your photos are all just so amazing. Even the squirrel one. Thanks for the lovely share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

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