Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The New House

Hello Friends!
First I must apologize for the extended break! It turns out that a fixer upper house is what The Owners call a "full-time job"! Plus packing, moving and unpacking takes a while too!
Good news is that we have moved into the new house finally! Bad news is that we still have LOTS of work to do! I have been very busy testing out the napping places at the new house!
As you know this is an extremely important job!
Here I am in my most favorite napping spot, the couch!

Unfortunately, The Owners thought it was necessary to bring The Cat (Beta) and Lynx with us too!
Why would they want to do something like that?!
The Cat (Beta) really likes to play on the stairs!

Lynx just likes to hide in the basement for now,
but he is starting to get more used to the new house.

I will take you on the grand tour of my new house soon!
I just have to wait for The Owners to get some more work done so that it looks presentable!
I also got my very first mail at the new house to tell you all about!
Well, I hope to be back real soon! I sure do miss all my blogging buddies!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I love to roach on the sofa as well! Congrats on you moving to your new house! Can't wait to see what it looks like...I'm sure it's lovely! *grins*


Rufus and Indie said...

New house? You are so lucky!
We can't wait to hear more from your new house adventures!

Rufus and Indie

Bijou said...

Hi Tibby,

We have missed you! Can't wait to see the new house.


Dandy Duke said...

We can't wait to see pictures of your new home, Tibby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Hey Tibby! Thanks for stopping by my blog. My Human often calls me Tibby.

I hope your new house is full of interesting things to smell!

Piappies World said...

Hello Tibby,

We are happy to see you again. Looking forward to seeing your new home. Weeeeee

-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Elizabeth said...

Dear Tibby
thank you for visiting my blog
my mum says you look a lot like Skippy
who was my predecessor
as in" Skippy........I mean Buster"
He was a rescue dog too
we are all the best
love from

hkairedalespack said...

Congratulations on your new house. Our Mommy says that home improvements and fix up projects can be very time consuming (and a bit fustrating). We look forward to seeing pics of your new house later on.
Hugs, Miley and Mariah

Moco said...

We are looking forward to the Grand Tour. Take care and stay out of the way of the cats.

Cane Corso Puppy said...

I am glad you found your favorite napping spot. The sofa is good choice. Keep up the good work!

Poppy Q said...

Enjoy your new house. The portraits of all of you are stunning.