Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Butterflies and Presents!

Hello Friends!
Here are today's Bingo numbers:
38 . 23 . 49

Today I am going to share some cool pictures The Owners took when they were away in Niagara Falls. The last day they went to a super cool place and saw lots and lots of butterflies!
Here is a great BIG black and white butterfly!

This little butterfly landed on Owner Boy's leg!

Here you can see the shadows of 3 butterflies on a big green leaf!

This one looks like it has eyes on it's wings!

The Owners even got to hold this friendly orange butterfly!

Here is one hanging upside down!

And one drinking from this pretty flower!

This one is a BIG moth! He was very old and wrinkly!

Finally it's time to see the presents that The Owners brought back for me!
I was so excited to see them when they got home and even more excited when I got these great things: A pawsome wolf stuffie, a salmon skin bone and some treat sticks! They also got me some cute puppy pastries!

Here's my loot!

I really love this new stuffie! We had lots of fun playing with it!

Here I am getting one of the delicious puppy pastries! Owner Girl said I could only have one a day! That's soo not fair!


In other news, Tibby Day is only one week away! As part of our celebration we are going to be sharing some Tibby facts and stories with you! To start things off we will tell you how I came to live with The Owners! Owner Girl will be telling this part of the story so be prepared for a real snoozer!

OWNER GIRL: The story of how Tibby came to us started long before she was even born! As a child, I had always lived in an apartment where pets were not allowed. We had various mice, snakes and lizzards to try and fill the "pet void" but most if not all of these ended with escaped animals, unexpected "litters" and/or escaped food (i.e. crickets) leading to an irrational fear of crickets that my sister and I now share! When I was 16 we were finally moving to a house and I knew right away that I was going to get a dog. Fast forward a few months when I came home with a tiny bundle of kitty cat now known as, Beta. For whatever reason I forgot about wanting a dog for years and soon went off to college. When I came back from college a year and a half later due to financial aid woes, I moved into an apartment with Joseph (Owner Boy) and his family. When his family found a bigger house to rent and we found out that we would be able to have dogs, I immediately searched petfinder for my perfect dog. What I found was a 1.5 year old dachshund mix named Charlie. I sent in my application and waited to hear news while I picked out the collar he would wear, the bed he would sleep in and the treats he would do wonderful tricks for. When the shelter contacted me and said that he had been placed with another family, I was a little sad but kept a close eye on other available pets and two days later two sweet little schnauzer mix pups appeared from the same shelter. Bip and Bop.

We'll share more tomorrow as we continue to countdown the days until Tibby Day!

TIBBY: Like my friends really care about any of that stuff except the very last part where you found me! Geez! Owner Girl really needs to work on her writing skills!
Anyways, as part of Tibby Day we will have a challenge each day for all my friends! Everyone who gets the challenge right will be entered in a prize drawing! So the more challenges you participate in, the more chances you have to win!
For the first challenge you have to tell me how many butterflies are in this picture!

(click to bigify)
Send your answer to me at tibbytales(at)hotmail(dot)com!
Good Luck!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those butterfly pics are beautiful. We love the storytelling leading up to your arrival. Can't wait to hear some more. And wow, all those goodies, can't imagine what you will get for your birthday.

Woos, the OP Pack

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

One more thing, Tibby, is there something wrong with our Bingo card, we noticed that it isn't covering all the numbers you have called so far.

Too Cute Pugs said...

We're going to Niagara Falls at the end of May and our parents are planning on going to the butterfly place!

What a fun contest.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Bijou said...

Hi Tibby,

We loved your butterfly pictures. Mom has flowers that attract bflies but none as pretty as these.

Wags & wiggles,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was BIG khool!

We love to watch butterflies too!

Fred's one granddaughter has that fur her nikhkname!

That is a furry khool tale about how woo khame to be where woo are!

AND those were some pawesome pressies!


Bruce said...

Wow-wee...those are the most beautiful butterflies I have ever seen...and you got so much cool stuff. Way to to Tibby! Can't wait until Tibby Day:)

Checkers & Chess said...

those photos of the butterflies are gorgeous - look forward to hearing the rest of your story! Thanks for sharing

Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Hi Tibby

Your new stuffie is almost as big as you are.

We are also having trouble with our bingo card.

Tucker and Daisy

Anonymous said...

Hi Tibby - those are very pretty butterflies. I like your pictures. Woof, Tank

Golden Samantha said...

What gorgeous butterfly pix! And love your story too - very special!
Hugs and Love xo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Tibby!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures of the beautiful butterflies!
You got yummy treats and a nice toy!
My bingo card is not updating either!
Kisses and hugs

Teddy Bear said...

What beautiful butterflies! I hope you are enjoying your new stuffie and all your treats. Yummy!

Teddy Bear

Moco said...

We love the pictures of the butterflies. They are lovely.
We also enjoyed reading about how you came to be with Owner girl and boy.

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) said...

Muzzle thinks those butterfly photos are so cool. I'm wondering what the butterflies would taste like. I scared Muzzle once when I opened my mouth and a moth that had been playing inside, flew out.

Those presents look great! I bet that helped make up for them going away without you!


Kelly said...

Tibby, I think there might be 20 butterflies in that picture... but my eyesight is not great!

I just love hearing the story of how you came to live with your family! I am so excited for your Tibby Day!!!

Nibbles Treats said...

The butterflies are absolutely beautiful. Our family goes to see them here in our city every year also. We're going to guess 21 are in the picture.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Pedro said...


You mom has me sitting on the edge of my dawg bed waiting to hear the rest of the story! My mom hasn't been to Niagra Falls since she was a little girl and would sure like to go again soon. I counted 20 butterflies which is a pretty impressive feat for a chihuahua! We'll be tuned in to hear the rest of the story!


the many Bs said...

hey Tibby! those are really pretty butterflies and your photographer did a great job on the pictures - all of them.

we kind of did like hearing that story about how your owner girl found you. our mom went through a similar experience when she wanted to get a dog.

we have to admit that we are kind of partial to schnauzers, since i, Bailey, am proudly 1/2 schnauzer. we love that cutest little puppy photo of you.


Cowspotdog said...

those are wonderful pics.....my mom loves to go to the butterfly house here too....and she is always snapping pics. You are so lucky to have such such good people to own and that bring you such wonderful presents back when they go away.

Simba and Jazzi said...

So many beautiful butterflies.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Amber-Mae said...

Those butterflies are so pretty! Faith likes to decapitate their heads then squish their bodies with her paws & then leave them to rot on the floor. I know, how horrible! Wow! That stuffie looks scawie but thank dog it's not alive. Hee! Those treats look yummy too. Yum!

Solid Gold Dancer

The Army of Four said...

I don't know which is more gorgeous - the butterflies or the wolf stuffie! Ha rooo! And what great treats!
PS: We can't wait to hear the rest of your homecoming story!

Petra said...

Your mom sure knows how to take beautiful pictures, Tibby! I LOVE the butterflies! As to how many there are in the last picture, I can just count to 10, but I know there are more than that. Maybe 10 and 4 or and 3 and....something like that?

Dandy Duke said...

The butterflies are just beautiful!
We can't wait to hear more of your story, Tibby!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hi Tibby,

Those doggie treats look delicious...especially the cupcake...have you gotten to eat that one yet??

I love the butterfly pictures...so pretty!

Sniffs and licks,


PS - your mom is a good writer! I like hearing about how you found her. :-)

Hana said...

Neato, butterflies!!!

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

can't wait to hear the rest of your story!
your pal, Morgan

Anonymous said...

Hi Tibby! I'm glad your owners had a good time at Niagra Falls. They brought you back some nifty presents! And it's never a boring story if you're in it!

See ya!

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Woah Tibby. That toy is as big as you!

Life With Dogs said...

Easily the most beautiful pictures I have seen on Blogger this week - the colors are stunning!

Abby said...

Hi, Tibby...

I think I see 20 Butterflies in the picture...

What beautiful Butterfly pictures...Your photographer is really talented...

Abby xxxooo